Girl looking out over the water canal, closing her eyes with sun in her face


My name is Rebecca Wiahl. Currently I am in school for Digital marketing. I was a fashion stylist at Anno Anno for 3 years. Before that, I lived in New York for 2 years, working as an Au pair. Whether it be a new restaurant or attraction, I love being able to go out and try new experiences, especially those recommended to me by different social media influencers.

Follow along on some of the journey’s I’ve taken below!

New York

In 2019, I took the big step of moving to New York to become an Au Pair for a family in Westchester, New York. This is probably one of the most scary, but fun experiences I have done in my life, it has taught me how to be super independent, find my own way and advance my english.
Living with another family, experience another culture and adapt to it can take some time, you might feel homesick and alone, but pushing through it really builds character.

In 2020, during covid, my lovely host family nominated me to Au Pair of the year, even though I didn’t win, I have never felt more appreciated for my hard work during some of the hardest times.

Today New York is a second home to me with extended family and friends that I can always visit.

If you wanna read more about being an au pair click here.

Styling & CPH Fashion Week

In 2021, after coming home from New York, I started working as a fashion Stylist in Copenhagen, where our main costumers were plus sized women, age 18 and up.

Working in Copenhagen was a great, fun and amazing experience, where I got to learn a lot about fashion and styling. I was fortunate enough to be able to experience a lot of interactive events, such as Copenhagen fashion week, see and meet new brands and also got to help out behind the scenes on Facebook Live.

Facebook Live was a fun experience helping out with, I got to help arrange it, give the girls in front of the camera some pep-talk and most fun of it all, sit in the chat, interact and answer costumers questions!

Behind the scenes on photoshoots

In 2024 a friend of mine wanted to start doing more makeup and actually go to photoshoots with models and a photographer.

Wanting to try new thing to add to my portfolio, I started going with her to the photoshoots and from it, started gainig more experiences.

All the behind the scenes stuff really started my own creative mind to spin, seeing how it’s done and helping out with different props in the background gained me the experience on how it works in real life, on real professional shoots.


Besides moving to New York, working as a stylist and helping with photoshoots, I’m also a mentor to a friend of mine who is trying to learn how to drive. This has taught me even more how to further develop my skills in leading, mentoring and patience, and so far been a really fun experience!